It's May and I'm thinking about next school year. I say 'next' even though we go year around, because things always change in the fall with my boys who are in school. I really need to simplify my life next year. Jane will be taking co-op classes on Fridays. Chemistry, American History, Sewing and Public Speaking is what we think, but the schedule is not definite yet. They are going to start offering classes for 4th-6th grade and I'm going to teach English (Rod n Staff Publishers) and possibly spelling for the 4th-6th graders. So, Friday is full!
My boss has told me she is so pleased with the 3 of us job-sharing the front desk that she has no intention of changing the arrangement. Who saw that coming? I did! It's a blessing really, but that means Monday and Wednesday are full! That leaves Tuesdays and Thursdays and I'm going to ask Jane not to demonstrate dance on those days. We NEED two quiet days at home just focusing on our school work. I'm going to move piano to Monday or Wednesday while I'm at work. It happened a couple of times that we had to make up a missed lesson and it really worked out fine. I think it actually goes better because Miss Linda and I don't chat as much (can't chat if I'm not there:).
If Jane stays at the Ballet 2 level and Ruth moves to Dance 4, then Ruth will be able to take class when Jane's in class. That should clear 1, maybe 2, nights. Whew! That would be GREAT! It will just be nice to be able to plan a little bit this year. Getting this part-time job at the last minute kept us scrambling to keep up the rest of the year. I think we've done well, though.
It would be great if I could work at the dance studio at times when the girls are there. That would definitely simplify things. But that may be asking for too much; I may have to stick with my Saturday mornings at studio 3.
I've decided not to put Jane in that other co-op. It would just add another day away. So, again, in the name of simplifying, we will just do the courses at the co-op she's already in. In order to simplify, I also got someone to be my "buddy" at the soup kitchen. A woman named Martha (how appropriate, Martha and Mary) will help me with the ovens. This takes a little pressure off me and allows me to be able to more easily miss soup kitchen with a built-in back up. Also, I'm ready for the homeschool conference next year. I'll be vendor coordinator next year, but not without another mom to help me. Again, simplifying my life.
God is teaching me to take things as they step at a time. So much that I worry about has to do with the unknown future. I can learn to leave that in God's hands and just deal with the moment at hand. Doesn't mean I shouldn't try to plan for next year; just that I need not worry about it. Today, right now, all is good and I am richly blessed. Simple.