Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! We've had a wonderful season!  I have to say that the whole time, I kept thinking about the people in Newtown, CT.  It really put things in perspective.  On my ever-growing list of things to do, burying my child (sibling/friend/mom/sister) was NOT on my list.  How forever changed are the lives of those who survived.  The children, especially; their innocence shattered.  I just kept looking at all of my kids, my husband, my parents and thinking, 'This is so good. The only gift I need.'  Now, I'm looking forward to 2013. 

I do like to make resolutions.  Sometimes they don't stick, yes, but if you never set goals, there's nothing to reach for.  My resolution for 2013 will be to drink more water.  I don't drink enough water and I think it would be very good for me.  The big hurdle here is, I have tried before and failed.  What I do is carry water with me every where, but I'm not drinking it.  The same camelbak follows me around all day with the same water in it.  I have to actually drink's not enough to carry it around with me.  Also, I've heard it's better to sip water continually all day than to down a glass 8 times a day.  Your body needs constant hydration and it can't absorb it that fast so better to sip.  Wish me luck.

I am SO enjoying being off everything for a week.  No school, no work, no dance.  It's wonderful.  Work and dance resume the 2nd of January.  Our school doesn't resume till the following Monday.  I love to use this break to revamp some things and begin again with a fresh look at this 2nd semester.  Ruth will be ready for 4th grade come the end of March so we will be wrapping things up and I'll need to start her in her new books in April.  She's probably ready now, but I have a hard time leaving books unfinished.  No rush. 

Jane is going to be starting a sewing class at a different co-op on Tuesdays.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.  I'm nervous about her liking it and about how that's going to affect our schedule.  Tuesday has been our one quiet day each week.  Still, this has been a year of trying new things and then we'll make adjustments for next year.  Jane has done some awesome reading over this Christmas break so maybe I need to rethink her reading assignments.  More on that later.

I gotta go; my 16 year old, Sam, wants me to give him a haircut (it's just a buzz).  I blog more when I'm back at work on the 2nd (then I can rest; hee hee).  Hope this Christmas Season is filled with quiet blessings that remind you that the best things in life are free and I hope that 2013 is a year of peace and good health. 

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