Monday, October 13, 2014

Loose Ends

I've been reading through past posts and realized I've got a few loose ends to tie up.  I do that every once in a while, read my old posts.  I can't remember what I've shared and I don't want to repeat myself too much.

For instance, Jane has NOT gotten her drivers license yet.  She's not terribly anxious to, but also it's difficult to make time to take her.  Plus, she has to learn a manual shift.  She does great!  She's been on the road with the van, but only in the cemetery with the Mazda (the manual shift).  We are getting there, but if it were yesterday it wouldn't be soon enough for me!

Also, we have NOT taken Ruth to Six Flags.  Shoot!  The plan all along was to go in October for the Fright Fest, but then when she saw and heard more about it she decided she didn't want to go; too scary!  She is a daredevil when it comes to doing things, but she doesn't like scary movies or spooky things.  So, maybe next year!

I am loving my new job!  It is such a blessing and working out so well for our whole family.  My boss is awesome and I was a little afraid that I had gotten in over my head, but I'm doing fine.  I do have a lot to learn, but I feel at least capable of learning it!  I was also a little concerned that I wouldn't be able to get everything done in the 15 hours, but I can. 

The dance schedule is finally settled!  Jane just got moved up from Modern 2 to Modern 3 last week so now we know her schedule is set.  Jane dances M, W 7:30-9 (ballet); T she demonstrates 4-6; Th she dances 7-9:15 (tap/jazz); Friday, if she's not babysitting, she takes the point class, 4-6:00; Saturday is her modern class from 1-2:30 followed by Company practice till 4p.m.  Sundays vary, but it's Nutcracker rehearsal 3-5 hours; that will end after Christmas.

Ruth also got moved up from tap/jazz dance 5 to tap/jazz dance 6.  Ruth had been taking 90 minutes of ballet on Tuesdays and 90 minutes of tap/jazz on Thursdays. However, Ruth doesn't want to leave her friends so she now dances M 5-6:30 (her Dance 6, tap/jazz), T 5-6:30 (her ballet) AND Th 5-6:30 (her dance 5 tap/jazz).  At least the schedule is finalized and I know what it will be for the rest of the year.

We are re-vamping our chore schedule.  We've had a talk with the kids and how we expect them to help keep certain things the toilet, the sink, etc.  So, I'm going to try and put up a cleaning chart like they have in public restrooms.  It'll be on the door and you sign it and date it when you've cleaned.  I'll have columns for sink, toilet, and tub and they can initial and date showing what they cleaned.  Do you think they'd be devious enough to initial and date even if they didn't clean it?  No, not my kids, right?  Seriously, I'd be so disappointed if they did, but I don't think they'd stoop to that.  We'll see.  It's just another effort on my part to keep up with the house!

Her are some pics of the girls working at the table.  I've been trying to get a slideshow on the side column, but it's really giving me trouble.  I'm not giving up yet, but here are two for now.

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