Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bad Days

Yesterday was a bad day for our homeschool.  So many distractions - so much to do.  I worry about days like that with Jane going into high school.  It's one thing with elementary, but quite another with the heavier course material of high school.  I had doctor's appointments and the phone kept ringing (I usually try to ignore! but there were pressing matters to attend to) and of'course the weather was Beautiful so Ruth kept wanting to go outside.  Ruth is in her 3rd grade material, so while I feel it's important to keep her brain "well oiled" what we do now is just icing on the cake.  Don't tell her that!

Jane has worked hard this past school year to convince me that this will work.  We would have talks about what has to happen (really, I talked and she listened).  Often, she didn't say much, but in the days after one of our "talks" I'd see her doing things differently.  She would show me that she had listened and would implement things we had "discussed." 

I'll be going to the Pillar Foundation for a class on records keeping where they teach you how to keep track of credits (120 hours = 1 credit) and how to prepare a transcript for your child.  I haven't ruled out paying a records keeping service; I know people who went that route.  It just seems to me that it would be just as much work to have to keep of all the stuff and then send it in as to just keep track along the way.  We'll see.

Here's hoping today is better.  We have a lot to accomplish if we want to be done in two days!


  1. I'm sure you are aware that we all support you! F&E

    1. We appreciate that! I do know I have support, but it's nice to hear.
