Wednesday, September 24, 2014


What a wonderful summer we had! Marty and I finally got the hang of our backyard pool and thoroughly enjoyed it. Next year we think we may convert it to a salt water system; we hear that’s even better!

I had said that we’d be doing school work over the summer and we did. Jane mostly focused on using Khan Academy to a do a review of algebra. I got email updates as to how much time was spent and what levels she passed, etc. That's an awesome resource!  She HATES math, but there is no way around it and Khan Academy has been very helpful. Now, third week into September, she is well into algebra II (lesson 29) and our goal is to complete algebra by Christmas. That’s how the boy's high school arranged their block schedule; four classes per semester.

This semester Jane is also tackling history, literature, sewing, and photography (the photo class is only 10 weeks). I’m so grateful for the sewing class. She has already made a binder cover which has front and back inside pockets. Now they are making a really nice tote bag. It's lined, has two straps, a pocket, and decorative trim. They are teaching her real sewing, not just the basics and the class goes till December 18th. She will have made the two projects I mentioned plus a skirt, a purse, and sleep pants. Mind you, this is a free class offered at the Pillar Foundation for homeschoolers. They give the students the project, we get the materials and they walk the kids through it. There are two moms teaching the class of about 9 kids. Sew wonderful!

Ruth is doing great, also. She has grown so much. At 5’2” she is one of the two tallest girls in her dance classes. She takes 1.5 hours of ballet on Tuesdays and 1.5 hours of tap/jazz on Thursdays. She seems to be absorbing her school work like a sponge! She’s flying through her math, she went through three science books last year, she’s in her 8th grade geography book; I just can’t seem to keep up with her. Part of that is because it’s just her and Jane so as long as Jane is working on school, Ruth might as well also. Years ago, the boys couldn't wait to finish and go outside to play.  Ruth works longer and zips ahead. She just turned 11 and she’s turning into quite a wonderful young lady and I’m loving being her mom and teacher.

This fall so far has been wonderful. Our schedule is so much simpler. I no longer will be working days, but instead was asked to work from home for CCFM, Conference for Catholic Facilities Management. I’ll be working about 15 hours a week doing bookkeeping and website maintenance. It is such a blessing. I’ll still be working Tuesday nights at the archdiocese and about two weekend shifts a month, as well.

So Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we are home all day, unless we want to go out! Tuesday we go to Mimi’s house (I call it Tuesday Mornings with Mimi) for some classes. Ruth has about 14 (yes, I said 14) other kids that take art, geography and writing with her. Jane has about 6 other kids who take photography and literature with her. The rest of Tuesday is ours. Then Thursday mornings we are home until sewing class begins at 12:30 and that ends at 3p.m.

I am SO much more relaxed this year than I have been the last two years. Little by little, room by room I’m getting my house back in order. I'm doing better with grocery shopping and dinners. I just feel like I'm back on track. I'll finish here with a poem that Ruth is memorizing:

A haze on the far horizon
The infinite tender sky
The rich ripe tint of the cornfield
And the wild geese sailing high.

And all over upland and lowland
The charm of the goldenrod
Some of us call it autumn
And others call it God.

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