Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I did it!

I did it!  I finally imported a picture.  Okay, it has no relevance, but it's there.  Here it is, July, heatwave, and I have a picture of my youngest in snow; think cool.  It took several tries because it kept being really BIG.  It is still bigger than I would like but we will leave it for now.

So far, this is working great.  Jane has started her own blog and we are both happier.  I'm free to experiment and she's happy to blog about dance.  I find her spelling is improving (something I heard from another homeschooler: get them emailing or pen-paling and they start to care that it is spelled correctly).  Also, she is learning the value of proofreading and catching grammatical mistakes and sentence structure, etc. 

We are struggling to come up with a way to keep track of the books she reads.  She reads a lot, sometimes multiple books at the same time, and we don't get the title and author written down.  I am thinking we will go back to our simple book report forms that she can fill out and when she has five or so, then list them on the blog.

I need to upload from our camera more pictures so we have some to choose from.  Also, we have some from her recital that I know she'd like to post, but they have other girls in them.  Isn't there some rule that you have to get permission before you put someone's pic on the web?  I need to look into that.

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